Personalised PLUS 4 Hunt
Picture upload and extra clue page

Personalised PLUS 4 hunts ...

... Now that you have purchased (or won) a PLUS 4 hunt we need to know what you want us to put on those extra four pages. This is where you let us know.

Your Pictures We will include a picture on each of the 4 extra pages. Please upload the files below. We can currently only accept JPG files (end with .jpg .jpeg or .pjpeg). The maximum file size we really need less than 1MB but if you do not know how to resize pictures taken on your camera we can accept files up to 4MB.

Your Clues Please fill in the form below with your 4 clues and answers

Contact information Please fill in the contact telephone and email details so that we can contact you if we have any queries.

Please complete ALL fields marked with a * to tell us about what to include on your 4 extra pages
(Until you get a success message here you have NOT completed all the information we need)

Step 1 - Enter your invoice number (to be found on your email receipt)

Enter your invoice number:

You must enter a valid invoice number before proceeding further

Step 2 - Upload the four pictures you wish us to use on the four pages
We can only accept jpeg files (end with .jpg .jpeg or .pjpeg). Up to 1 Mb is ideal but we can accept files up to 4Mb but bear in mind, depending on the speed of your internet connection, larger files make take a while to upload so be patient.

to be submitted
to be submitted
to be submitted
to be submitted

Step 3 - Tell us about the four extra clues you require (and the answers) Things relating to the pictures you have uploaded perhaps? or something that may be of particular interest to the participants.

Your First Clue Please enter your first clue
Your First Answer Please enter your first answer

Your Second Clue Please enter your second clue
Your Second Answer Please enter your second answer

Your Third Clue Please enter your third clue
Your Third Answer Please enter your third answer

Your Fourth Clue Please enter your fourth clue
Your Fourth Answer Please enter your fourth answer

telephone number* Please supply your telephone number (for any queries we may have)
email* Please supply your email address (for any queries we may have)